Practically PERFECT in 👏🏽every 👏🏼way 👏! #3 in my #liveloveforty series: the absolutely mind-blowing musicals at Columbia High School ➡️ @chsmusicals. 🌟
Mary Poppins at Columbia High School
Mary Poppins was off the charts INCREDIBLE. We have been very lucky to see several phenomenal productions on that stage over the years: Cats, Ragtime, How to Succeed in Business, Beauty & The Beast, Hairspray, and now #MaryPoppins. One is more amazing than the next: the acting and choreography, set, costumes, all-student live orchestra, and the professionalism.
The incredible cast of Mary Poppins! Check out those COSTUMES.
The CHS musicals are truly a masterpiece each year and the fact that they are high school shows seems impossible! But when they take place in the town “where Broadway sleeps” it’s not too crazy. Congrats to the cast, crew, and directors on another tremendous accomplishment! ☂️🎭🌂🎶 #livelovemaplewood#columbiahighschool
Congrats to the cast and crew!