Live Love Lens Photography by Jamie Meier

CHS Prom Shop Creators are #SOMAWESOME

We’re back with #SOMAWESOME tonight and I’m so excited about this incredible group of women. 🙌🏽 They had an amazing idea and ran with it two years ago: Jill Abramson, Rhea Mokund Beck, Susan Bergin, Heidi Davis, Amy Forman, and Jane Perry (Rhea & Jane pictured here), all from Maplewood and South Orange. 🌟These selfless women started The Prom Shop at Columbia High School two years ago so all students could have access to beautiful prom dresses. 💃🏿

Rhea Mokund Beck + Jane Perry, CHS Prom Shop Volunteers

Rhea Mokund Beck + Jane Perry, CHS Prom Shop Volunteers

The shop began as a small collection of shoes and accessories and has grown into a beautiful boutique with hundreds of new and very gently used gowns, tuxes, suits, shoes, and jewelry. 👗 Students “shop” for free for the perfect look for the prom, and are aided by volunteer “stylists.” 👛 Last year the Prom Shop gave away over 130 dresses- in January over 200 dresses were “sold” at the sneak peak shop!! 👠


These amazing women solicited donations and recruited an awesome team of volunteers to set up and assist the shop. Everything in the shop was free, and included new handbags and cosmetics too.


Local donors included @perchhome@retailtherapy_maplewood@colemanstuxedos @lesliesfinds, and @bobbibrown#Gleasonscleaners provided free dry cleaning and a drop off spot for locations, and many of YOU donated items as well. 👗 The CHS Prom Shop is part of SOMA Justice's COUGAR CARES program at CHS in partnership with The Parenting Center, CHS HSA and @soma_action, which provides financial assistance to students to pay for school events such as prom, and help address food insecurity.  Last year, Cougar Cares raised over $9,000 enabling 90 students to go to prom and installed snack stations throughout CHS.

For more information, please contact 


Shop Local - Sadie's Boutique and Kitchen A La Mode - South Orange, NJ

These two shops in South Orange, NJ are simply amazing: Sadie’s and Kitchen A La Mode.

Occasionally I walk into a store and want everything. OK maybe more than occasionally. This happens EVERY SINGLE TIME I’m in both of these shops.


Sadie’s, 65 Valley Street, South Orange, NJ

Sadie’s, 65 Valley Street, South Orange, NJ

Sadie’s has beautiful clothing for both men and women, home accessories, jewelry, and gifts. And my FAVORITE part is that many of the items have a socially conscious connection - money either goes to charity with a purchase, or many of the brands are environmentally conscious. (Check Sadie’s Instagram for hours).

Kitchen A La Mode

Kitchen A La Mode, 19 South Orange Ave, South Orange, NJ

Kitchen A La Mode, 19 South Orange Ave, South Orange, NJ

Kitchen A La Mode (KALM) has everything from kitchen and cookware to tons of cool gifts and home accessories. Anything and everything related to baking, cooking, coffee, drinks, tea towels, mugs, cutting boards, candles, pots, knives, you name it. Popular brands like Corkcicle and La Creuset. Did I mention I want all of it?! (Check KALM’s Instagram for hours.)

And, Cat Fischer, a very engaged South Orange resident, is the owner of both of these beautiful stores (pictured below).

Cat on the left, me on the right ;)

Cat on the left, me on the right ;)


Baker Street Yoga | Maplewood, NJ

Kicking off our small business series (#somasmallbiz) is the amazing Baker Street Yoga! @bakerstreetyoga 🙌 Led by the dynamic team of Lisa Moser and Blake Henry (pictured below) in just a tad bit of holiday flair 🎄), BSY is THE perfect place to let go of stress during the holiday season AND regroup in the new year. 🕉 


Blake Henry + Lisa Moser, Owners and Yogis, Baker Street Yoga

Blake Henry + Lisa Moser, Owners and Yogis, Baker Street Yoga

BSY’s 12 Days of Yoga began Friday Dec 14th with tons of giveaways!
They had a very popular Instagram contest that gave away a beanie & sunglasses from @virasun (I have a pair and they’re awesome). 😎 Tons more cool stuff, including giveaways from @iheartsprout @meusshop@greennectarjuicery @brave_floral, bring-a-friend days, discounts on yoga packages, and a kick-butt yoga class on Christmas Day! 🙌

BSY finals (14 of 15).jpg

Check @bakerstreetyoga for the full calendar and complete list of giveaways. You don’t want to miss their 12 Days of Yoga. De-stress and recharge at Baker Street Yoga in Maplewood, NJ.

12 Days of Yoga!

12 Days of Yoga!


2019 Calendar + General Store Holiday Pop Up

It’s been an amazing week since the General Store Holiday Pop Up opened! We have sold lots of @livelovemaplewood calendars (<— order here online!), Instagram collages, magnets, and artwork.

Live Love Maplewood

Live Love Maplewood

The General Store hosts 60+ artists and small businesses from Maplewood and South Orange, NJ and surrounding towns. Located at 14 South Orange Avenue, the shop has tons of amazing gifts and goodies, and interactive experiences and events too! It’s the brainchild of Work and Play’s Amy Howlett and Deborah Engel (pictured below), who have worked incredibly hard to put this unique boutique together for the community.

Deborah + Amy

Deborah + Amy

In the week since it’s opening, there have been workshops with Mrs. Meshugga hand lettering, family photos with Photo Booth Studios, tastings with Kreme + Krumbs, Three Daughters Baking Company, and SOMA Brewing Company, and charity partnerships with Jespy House and Take the Cake.

General Store Holiday Pop Up Hours

General Store Holiday Pop Up Hours

The shop will be open through Dec 24th - check here for the latest hours and events.

Me and the hubs!

Me and the hubs!

Don’t forget to get in that Instagram frame and post your pics using #SOMAfortheholidays and #livelovemaplewood


Live Love Maplewood comes to local Holiday Shops!

Tis the Season! I’m excited to participate in two holiday shopping events this year:

The General Store Pop Up - Nov 23rd-Dec 24th, South Orange, NJ


One Stop Shop - Thursday, Nov 29th, South Orange, NJ

I’m super excited to offer brand new items for this season: a 2019 calendar, note cards, magnets, and collages - all featuring imagery of Maplewood + South Orange, NJ. They make great gifts, or pick something up for yourself!



Maplewood Halloween!

Witches, fairies, super heroes, princesses, hot dogs, dinosaurs, Day of the Dead, unicorns, pandas…and more unicorns…and more Day of the Dead (Coco = 2018 Influencer!).

Maplewood, NJ Halloween is always AMAZING.


Halloween Houses of Maplewood, NJ + South Orange, NJ!

Halloween does not disappoint in Maplewood and South Orange, NJ!

Creative, spooky, theatrical, larger-than-life.

Here are our favorite Halloween Houses from @livelovemaplewood in 2018.


SOMA Brewing Company founders are #SOMAWESOME

And we’re back!! Brief #SOMAWESOME hiatus for no other reason than being super busy! That break is over and we’re resuming our weekly posts - there are just so many incredible people here that need to be shared with all of YOU.

This feature is four amazing individuals who exemplify what is means to be charitable: Farnaz and Adam Heydt and Bianca and Chris Froelich, SOMA residents with five children in our public schools. They recently formed the SOMA Brewing Company @somabrewingcompany, and donated ALL of the proceeds from their recent Oktoberfest event to The Vanessa Pollock
Music Initiative (VPMI) of the Achieve Foundation (@achievefoundation), supporting music programs in our public schools. 

The event, held at the Woodland in Maplewood, and attended by hundreds of locals, raised $7,500 for this foundation! The Heydts and Froelichs could have easily put the earnings back into their business, but instead put it back into the community. How #SOMAWESOME is that?! CHEERS to Adam, Farnaz, Bianca, and Chris! You can find their delicious Two Towns ale at @thecassidybarkitchen and @stjamesgate and the incredible wooden taps are made by @maplewoodshop! You guys are #SOMAWESOME! 🍻

From left to right: SOMA Brewing Company founders: Adam Heydt, Bianca Froelich, Chris Froelich, Farnaz Heydt

From left to right: SOMA Brewing Company founders: Adam Heydt, Bianca Froelich, Chris Froelich, Farnaz Heydt

SOMA Brewing Company presents their $7,500 donation to the Vanessa Pollock Music Initiative.

SOMA Brewing Company presents their $7,500 donation to the Vanessa Pollock Music Initiative.

SOMA Brewing Company’s Oktoberfest, Maplewood, NJ, October 6, 2018

SOMA Brewing Company’s Oktoberfest, Maplewood, NJ, October 6, 2018

Two Towns Ale

Two Towns Ale


Halloween in Maplewood, NJ + South Orange, NJ

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Halloween is BIG in Maplewood and South Orange. There are creatively decorated homes, hours of trick-or-treating, neighborhood haunted houses, spooky art installations, festive school parades, and lots of downtown fun. It’s almost a full day affair.

Maplewood Village Halloween Parade

Maplewood Village Halloween Parade

This is a crazy haunted house on Halloween with lines of kids from all over town!

This is a crazy haunted house on Halloween with lines of kids from all over town!

One of our favorites things is to chronicle these imaginative “Halloween houses” on our Instagram feed. Many of these festive displays are created by inhabitants who work in the art and design fields. The unique decor mixed with the local architecture and crisp fallen leaves make for some epic photos.

Sound effects and high quality set design at this Halloween house

Sound effects and high quality set design at this Halloween house

The famous spider house of Maplewood! One year the spider was eating Trump. It was a beloved by many, to say the least. Other times the spider has had a baby dangling from its mouth. It’s weird but people love it.

The famous spider house of Maplewood! One year the spider was eating Trump. It was a beloved by many, to say the least. Other times the spider has had a baby dangling from its mouth. It’s weird but people love it.

Creepy and spooky with lots of scary sound effects

Creepy and spooky with lots of scary sound effects





We have a blog! In addition to our @livelovemaplewood Instagram feed, we are now blogging on the world wide web. It’s about time.

We’ll be posting lots of local photos (obviously!!), info about local businesses, our popular #SOMAWESOME posts, and fun seasonal stuff like our famous #MaplewoodHalloween pics! Lots to look forward to!

We love Maplewood and South Orange, NJ, photography, everything local, and are excited to share it all with you!

Questions or collabs? Contact us.

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