mapso — Live Love Lens Photography by Jamie Meier


SOMA celebrates 2020 Presidential election in the streets!

November 7, 2020: Biden Beats Trump

Best. Day. Ever. My community of Maplewood and South Orange, NJ spontaneously celebrated in the street and it was AMAZING. The announcement of Joe Biden + Kamala Harris winning the 2020 presidential election came around 11AM, and by noon hundreds cheered in the street with elation. On a perfect sunny fall day, this celebration lasted for several hours into the night! Kids held “Biden/Harris” signs high out of their sunroofs, families proudly waved American flags out of car windows, Black Lives Matter signs and rainbow flags could be seen at every corner. THIS is my community, I have never been more proud.

This was not just an election for a new Commander in Chief, this was a vote for human rights, Black lives, equality, respect, truth, science, and justice. And a vote for WOMEN. To be a female now, and to have daughters, to watch a woman (of color!) be elected as Vice President…. the emotions are difficult to explain. Such an extraordinary amount of pride and appreciation for this moment. Here’s to love, peace, equality from here on out! Let’s go - we have lots more work to do. #livelovelens #livelovemaplewood

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